ipr dental procedure
By hand Diamond coated abrasive strips are worked back and forth in a sawing motion between the teeth. Interproximal reduction known as IPR is a technique used to mechanically remove small amounts of enamel from between the teeth. Dr Beeta Salek Haddadi On Instagram Perio Space Cases And Black Triangles Can Be Carefully Treated With Clear Al Invisalign Cosmetic Dentistry Clear Aligners It is essentially a slight reduction in the tooth enamel outermost tooth layer. . A dentist has various protocols they can use to perform IPR. Mechanical methods Using a dental drill teeth are trimmed using a spinning diamond-coated bur or disk. Despite a lack of evidence that abraded enamel might be more susceptible to dental caries the acceptance of IPR as a mean to provide space is still hindered by the notion and there is no doubt that maintenance of an adequate enamel layer thickness is crucial to prevent the. Interproximal reduction is